Do you spend too much money on books? Well, good news! You can save money by buying used books, like here at The Book Trader in Old City.

When I say “used” I don’t mean ruined. I just mean that someone else has owned them. They’re still fine!
Most books I find here are still in great shape, and there are even plenty of them in brand new condition that people have just traded in. Books are good way past their first read, and can be passed around long after we’re gone.
By shopping at stores like this, you can get some great deals. I’ll share a few that I’ve bought myself if anyone is interested in future posts. I’ve found some special editions and signed copies before. Nothing worth a whole lot or money, but it adds to the fun of shopping when you never know what you’ll find. If you have a store like this in your neighborhood, you can stop in regularly and see what new books come in.
I’ve bought some of my favorite books used. Guess what? They have the same content as brand new copies.
Plus, there are no cats at Barnes & Noble!

Do you like to save money by buying used books, or do they have to be new?